(Originally posted on a previous version of grandpunwick.com, June, 2021.)

Grand Punwick, or more specifically, The Duchy of Grand Punwick, is a made up land where the characters of DFP books live.

It is a place where war no longer takes place.

It is a place where Evil Geniuses are dealt with before they can really hurt anyone.

It is a place where no one is lacking for food, shelter, or education because they cannot afford it.

But more importantly, Grand Punwick is a place where every character – every citizen of the Duchy is free to love whomever they want – to BE whomever they want – without the scrutiny of governments or bigotry.

Grand Punwick is a place where LOVE MEANS LOVE.

And while Grand Punwick may be make-believe, we at Deans Family Productions believe that by making stories where these things are true, and real, and valid, we are helping children understand that the world can and will be a better place.  That children of color, or children of different means, or different abilities, or different genders, or children who simply don’t feel like they fit in, can always find someplace they can fit in – the pages of our books.

We believe our books are a gateway to a happier future, one in which the platitudes of corporations acting performatively every June become unnecessary because in July we all continue to believe, and behave, as if the only thing that truly separates us is if we want pineapple on our pizza.

And even then, we’ll have something for you then, too.  Just like with our stories.

In Grand Punwick, Love is Love, Peace is Peace, Race is unimportant, Struggle is, and Everyone is accepted.

Except anyone responding to this statement with the words, “But what about…”

For them, we say, we’ll miss you at the party.

Love is Love.

Come join the party.